You should check with your instructor to see which citation style you are expected to use for your class assignments. On this page, you will find call numbers for the style manuals in the Library's reference collection, and links to related Internet resources.
Book available in the Library: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (Library location/call number: Reference 808.06615 P976 2010)
APA Style Workshop
From the Purdue University Online Writing Lab, this site includes information on general paper format, examples, and specific tips.
APA Tutorial (Univ. of Southern Miss.)
Test your APA knowledge with this interactive tutorial.
Basics of APA Style
Video tutorial from the APA Homepage. "It shows users how to structure and format their work, recommends ways to reduce bias in language, identifies how to avoid charges of plagiarism, shows how to cite references in text, and provides selected reference examples."
Book available in the Library: Scientific Style and Format: the CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 6th ed. (Library location/call number: Reference 808.0666 S416)
Writer's Handbook: CBE Documentation
A helpful guide from the University of Wisconsin
The following are automatic citation generators. You should always check the accuracy of the citations generated by these sites before using them in your academic work.
This generator features an "auto fill mode" that searches the Internet to fill in your citation information for you.
This Web resource automatically generates MLA-style citations. APA format is also available for a small yearly fee.
Generates APA, MLA, and Chicago-style citations. From the Calvin College Library.
Landmark Citation Machine
Generates APA and MLA style citations for print and electronic resources.
NCSU Libraries Citation Builder
Similar to Easybib, but generates APA and MLA formats.
NoodleBib Express
Free version of NoodleBib that asks questions to help you generate the correct citation.
Book available in the Library: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed. (Library location/call number: Reference 808.02 G437 2009)
MLA Overview and Workshop
A comprehensive guide from the Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Includes tips on handling quotations, footnotes and endnotes.
MLA tutorial (Univ. of Southern Miss.)
Test your MLA knowledge with this interactive tutorial.
Some things to try:
There are several possibilities:
If you're not sure where to start, Academic Search Complete is a good choice. It's the most general database available through OhioLINK, and has articles related to every technology taught at Hocking.
You can also look at the database list related to your technology or topic, and read the descriptions of each one to see where you might have the best chance to find information.
From the Purdue OWL site:
You may need to download a .PDF reader such as Adobe Reader.
Make sure to use the print button from within the browser screen, not the print command from the "file" menu of the browser.
The best database to use for nursing is CINAHL. You can find it in either the Health and Nursing database list or the full text list (from the "research databases" link from the library menu). Once you access CINAHL and before you do your search, make sure to check the box next to "full text" and select "nursing" from the Journal Subset option under the heading "Limit your results" (view screen capture).
Yes, we allow food and drink but we ask that you do not drink or eat around the computers. Drinks should preferably have a lid. Please be sure to clean up and throw any trash away.
We do not have a formal cell phone policy,
Yes, and students can send faxes at the library. Cost is 10 cents per page for a local call, 50 cents per page for long distance calls and $1 per page for international calls.
To receive a fax, students are encouraged to use the fax machine at the Students Center. The Student Center's fax number is 740-753-6538.
Yes, the library has a free Little Lending Library for children's books. Parents, students, educators and faculty are welcome to give and take children's books as desired. Additional children's books can be checked out via OhioLINK or SearchOhio.
We have one group study room available. To reserve the room, stop by the library and ask for Allison or contact her at 740-753-6338 or You must have at least two people in your group to place a reservation, and the room can be reserved for up to three hours. The group study room can be used without a reservation, but groups with reservations get priority.
While all of the library should be relatively quiet, the quiet study room is designated for students who need silence to work. All students, staff and faculty who respect the whispers only policy of the quiet study room are welcome to use the space.
You can use the Course Reserves tab on the TechLINK to search by instructor, course name or course number. If you're in the library, you can also ask at the circulation desk.
You may have up to 15 items checked out.
Black and white printing
There is a "library book return" outside the entrance to Davidson Hall. We check the book return every morning when we open.
See the Database FAQ.
OhioLINK delivery generally takes 3-5 business days. Delivery time is largely dependent on the distance of the lending library from Hocking College. You can check the status of your delivery by logging onto your patron record.
Your item will progress through three stages. Requested means your order is being processed. Within 2 days, your item should be in transit, which means it's on a truck and on its way here. When the library receives the item and it's ready for pickup, your item will show
Student IDs are made in the concourse on the 1st Floor of the John Light (JL) Building. You will need to bring a photo ID and a copy of your class schedule.
These hours are typical fall and spring semester hours. To see current hours (such as for summer semester or other atypical circumstances), refer to the library's homepage.
Monday - Thursday:
7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday:
Noon - 5 p.m.
White/color paper, newspaper, aluminum/steel cans, cardboard, and plastic bottles (#1 and #2). Any other waste should go in the trash cans.
OhioLINK is a statewide consortium of (mostly) academic libraries that share resources among member institutions. You can search for materials available at other OhioLINK member libraries by using the OhioLINK catalog.
OhioLINK also provides several online databases from which you can access free magazine and journal articles and electronic books.
To order items from OhioLINK or use OhioLINK databases from off-campus, you need to be a currently registered student or current faculty/staff. You will also need your Hocking College ID number. If you don't know your ID number, you can get it by logging into Self-Service.
Restrooms are available in the hallway outside of the library.
You can pick up your own printing at the printer. The printer is located at the front of the library. You will need your Hocking ID to queue your print job. Refer to the blue signs for help, or ask the circulation deks.
Books in the stacks (general collection) can be checked out at the circulation desk. You will need to present a Hocking College ID card or photo ID(such as a driver's license).
Media (VHS/DVD/CD) and reference books can only be checked out by faculty/staff.
Textbooks/closed reserve materials and magazines are not available for checkout. For more detailed information about borrowing materials, please visit our policies page.
Yes, we send circulation notices by e-mail. Your default e-mail address is (usually) your Hocking College e-mail. If you'd like to receive library e-mail at another address (Yahoo,
The easiest way to renew your books is by accessing your patron record. You can also visit the library to renew items (ask at the circulation
No, but you may be able to have an exam proctored in the Testing Center (DVD 108). Contact Roger Barrows for help. Contact Roger by email at or by phone at 740-753-7195.
Our lost and found is located behind the circulation desk. Unclaimed valuables (keys, etc.) are turned in to Campus Safety.
No, but you can download forms from the IRS, or visit your local post office or public library.
CINAHL tutorial:
Academic Search Complete tutorial:
The login is the first part of your Hocking email (e.g. doej, for Jane Doe), and the password is your Hocking password.
Current issues are for library use only. There is a photocopier available if you'd like to make copies of articles, or you may be able to find the same article online through the OhioLINK databases. Back issues can be signed out for up to a week for patrons with a library account.
Our current subscriptions are arranged alphabetically by title. The current issue should be on the shelf. If you lift up the shelf, we keep 1-3 years of back issues in addition to the current issue (varies by magazine/journal). Some back issues of paper copies are kept at the end of the magazine shelving (if we no longer receive that particular title or if additional storage space is needed).
We also keep older magazines and journals in bound volumes. Bound volumes are kept behind the circulation desk (although a few can be found in the stacks).
Go to the circulation desk and ask for the magazine/journal title and year (or volume number) that you need. Bound volumes must stay in the library (except those that are shelved in the library stacks).
You can find many additional magazine and journal titles in the library's online databases. If you'd like to see if a specific title is available online (in a library database), use the OhioLINK Electronic Journal Finder.
If a title isn't freely available online, there's a good chance that we can order a photocopy from another OhioLINK library. You'll need to print or copy the publication information, including the author, article title, magazine/journal title, volume/issue, year, and page numbers. Please see Allison to order an article or
Please choose the Database FAQ tab at the top of this page.
What's the difference between a magazine and a journal?Magazines are aimed at a more general audience. Magazines usually have several advertisements, short to medium-length articles, and are published weekly or monthly. Examples of magazines are Newsweek, Ebony, and Martha Stewart Living.
Journals are aimed at a scholarly audience (usually professionals/faculty in the same field). Journals have little to no advertising, longer in-depth articles with bibliographies/references, and are usually published bi-monthly or quarterly. Examples of journals are Journal of Wildlife Management, Holistic Nursing Practice, and Criminology.
Hours of Operations:
8 AM - 5 PM | Monday - Friday
3301 Hocking Pkwy.
Nelsonville, Ohio 45764